1. Introduction
In compliance with the data protection laws in force (European Regulation 679/2016 and subsequent amendments/integrations) Artes srl provides users of the company website (www.artesetichette.it) the following information notice regarding processing activities performed on data supplied by the users themselves.
Please note that such information does not apply to any other website that may be consulted via links contained on any website owned by the data controller, whose liability does not extend in any way to third party websites.
Therefore, for details regarding the use of cookies by such companies, you are invited to consult the information notice supplied by the aforesaid third party companies.
2. Data Controller:
The Data Controller is Artes srl, Via Cavour 90, Arcisate.
Any request for information and/or further details may be forwarded to amministrazione@artesetichette.it or to the above address.
3. Types of data subject to processing
Personal details and identity.
Personal details, any information regarding the identified or identifiable natural person, also indirectly through reference to any other type of information, comprising a personal identity number; Identification data, personal details that enable the direct identification of the data subject (such as name, surname, address, e-mail address, postal address, telephone number, etc..).
Browser data
In the course of their normal operation, the IT systems and software procedures employed in the functioning of this website acquire certain types of personal data, whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This information is not collected for the purpose of association with identified data subjects, but owing to its nature, could enable the identification of users, if elaborated and associated with data held by third parties. This data category comprises IP addresses or the computer domain names of users who connect to the website, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses in notation of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response supplied by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the user’s operating system and IT environment. These data are used for the sole purpose of collecting anonymous statistical information regarding website use and for monitoring its correct working.
Defence before the Court
The User’s personal data may be used by the Data Controller in court cases as evidence to support their defence or in the preparatory phases of such proceedings, against abuses in its use or associated services by the User. Data could be used to ascertain responsibility in the event of hypothetical cybercrime perpetrated to the detriment of the website.
The User’s personal data may be processed in other ways and for other purposes relating to system maintenance.
Data supplied by the User
The optional, explicit and voluntary submittal of electronic mail to the addresses indicated on this site or the completion of data collection forms implies the subsequent acquisition of the sender’s e-mail address, which is required to respond to their inquiries and requests, along with any other personal details supplied.
Specific information notices
Specific information notices could be contained on the Website pages relating to certain services or processing activities involving the data supplied by the User or by the Data Subject.
You are invited to consult our cookies policy
4. The purposes of processing for which consent is granted whenever required
Personal data supplied voluntarily will be processed for the following purposes, unless consent is withdrawn:
- browsing activities on this website;
- any contact request, with submittal of information requested by yourself; in fact, the user may contact the Company using the phone numbers and e-mail addresses indicated on the “Contacts” page where the user may obtain corporate details. The receipt of voluntary communications from the User necessarily implies the acquisition of the User’s e-mail address and/or name, by the Data Controller. The purpose of this collection is associated with the supply of information regarding the available products and services;
- newsletter subscription: any user wishing to be updated on company activities may enter the requested data in the relative form (mandatory data fields are marked with an asterisk). The information requested is processed for the sole purpose of supplying the requested service. Failure to provide such data prevents the Data Controller from fulfilling the user’s request. Processing activities involve the use of IT tools. For further details, you are invited to consult the relative information notice at the foot of the subscription form;
- any data collection form completed in dedicated areas.
5. Lawful grounds for processing
Processing is performed on lawful grounds in as much as a pertinent and appropriate relationship exists between the data subject and the Data Controller, justified by the fact that the aforesaid processing activities are determined by a contact request or subscription effected by the user.
6. Processing method – Data retention
Processing activities, performed by means of hardcopy/computer supports employing methods and tools aimed at guaranteeing the maximum security and confidentiality, do not entail the use of automated decisional processes. Processing is performed by authorized persons who act under the responsibility of the Data Controller and by persons who act as Data Processors or independent Data Controllers. Data are retained for no longer than is required for the purposes for which they have been collected and subsequently processed and to fulfil data recovery requirements.
7. Scope of data communication and dissemination
No data dissemination activities are performed.
Your data may be communicated to third parties belonging to the following categories:
- service providers for the management of the IT system employed and of telecommunication networks, comprising electronic mail, newsletters and website management;
- appointed authorities for the fulfilment of legal obligations and/or indications imparted by public bodies, on request.
The persons comprised in the above categories either perform the function of Data Processor or operate independently as Data Controllers. The list of Data Processors is constantly updated and available for consultation at the Data Controller’s address.
8. Provision of personal data and refusal
Regarding browsing activities on this website, the provision of personal data is associated with the user’s desire to consult the aforementioned website after reading the information notice contained in the homepage banner. We remind you that, in order to prevent cookie installation, it is necessary not to close the above box by clicking on the “Accept” button, or to use the specific functions provided for browsing purposes.
9. Data subjects’ rights
You are entitled to exercise your rights by contacting the Data Controller, by sending an e-mail to the addressamministrazione@artesetichette.it or using the address indicated in Point 2.
The rights referred to above are the following:
- right of access to your personal data and information regarding yourself;
- right to rectify incorrect data or to integrate incomplete data;
- right to erase your personal data (in those cases contemplated by the Law);
- right to restrict the processing of your personal data (in those cases consented by the Law);
- right to data portability;
- right to object to the processing of your personal data for reasons related to your particular situation;
Moreover, the Data Controller will stop processing your data immediately on receiving communication that you have withdrawn the consent previously expressed, when the subject’s consent is the only lawful basis.
Whenever you contact the Data Controller, please supply your email address, name, and address and/or phone numbers, to enable the correct handling of your request.
Complaints submitted to the supervising authority
You are entitled to submit complaints to the Supervising Authority whenever inquiries or requests addressed to the Data Controller have not met with a satisfactory response.
The authority to contact is the Italian Data Protection Authority
10. Amendments to the information notice on Privacy
The Data Controller reserves the right to amend, update or delete parts of this Privacy information notice at their sole discretion and at any time. The data subject is required to check the notice from time to time to be informed of any amendment. To facilitate this activity, the information notice will carry indications of the date on which it has been updated. The use of this website, following the publication of amendments, will automatically constitute acceptance of the latter.
Information updated in December 2022