Data Controller
The Data Controller is Artes srl, whose administrative and operational headquarters are located in Via Cavour 90, at Arcisate (VA), in the person of the company’s legal representative. The Data Controller’s contacts are: This website does not utilize technical or tracking cookies.
What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files which websites send to the Users’ computers during visits, here they are stored, ready to be sent back to the same websites on subsequent visits. Cookies have different characteristics and may be used by both the owner of the website that is being visited and by third parties. For further information on cookies and their general functions, we invite you to consult an information website such as
Browser, technical, functional, and profiling cookies
This website does not make use of technical, functional, profiling and/or advertising cookies pertaining to first or third parties.
Social Network icons
Social network icons appear on this website but there are no plug-in or widget cookies, or the like, enabling the communication of data towards these platforms. When clicking on the icons, the social network will open thanks to a link underneath the icons themselves. As to any cookies installed by social networks when browsing their platforms, you are invited to consult their respective cookie policies.
Cookie management on your browser
For further information regarding the ways in which the browser stores cookies, Users may visit the following links on the providers’ websites:
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Internet Explorer
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